FAQ: Recycling - What to recycle, Where to recycle and Holiday closing schedules.

Aiken County no longer operates a public MSW landfill. You may take your garbage and recyclables to one of the Residential Recycling Drop-Off Centers listed here.

Citizens are requested to recycle cardboard, mixed paper (newspaper, junk mail, phone books, magazines, soft cover books, and hardbound books; No. 1 and 2 plastic bottles, aluminum cans, steel cans, wet cell batteries, scrap metal and appliances, vegetable oil, used oil, oil filters, oil bottles, and tires. Old MIXED FUEL may be taken to the Belvedere, Langley, or Reynolds Pond Drop-Off Centers and placed in the special (red) tank.

NO waxed paper, vinyl coated paper, plastic cards, or trash is to be placed in recycling containers. To do so is considered ILLEGAL DUMPING and subjects one to court appearance with possible fines and/or several hours of community service time.

Holiday closings for all drop-off centers and landfills are January 1st, Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.

If you have any questions, contact the Solid Waste Division of the Public Works Department (803.642.1533).

Government Center, 1930 University Pkwy | Aiken, SC 29801 Aiken County Government | © 2025