Residential Collection Centers


Aiken County Residential Collection Centers

Hours of Operation

County Residential Colleciton Centers and landfills will be open as scheduled except Sundays and the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President's Day, Good Friday, Confederate Memorial Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

Please email the County's Recycling Coordinator if you have recycling questions.

These Centers are not for commercial use. They are restricted for residents of Aiken County to dispose of waste generated at their primary residence. All users should be able to provide proof of Aiken County residency (picture ID) each time they attempt to use an Aiken County drop off center or landfill. If you are a landlord or a tenant please click the link below for instructions on how to properly dispose of waste.
Landlord/Tenant Instructions

Please check out our brochure for more information.


Aiken County Solid Waste is pleased to announce that electronic e-waste will be accepted at the following Residential Collection Centers in Aiken County for recycling:

20 yd containers will be placed at the above sites for the disposal of banned E-waste. These containers should only be used for the items listed below:

  •  Televisions, Computers (including laptops), Printers, and Monitors.
  •  Anything else should be placed in the compactor or metal bin for disposal.

All material that is put in them should be placed at the very front of the container and stacked up as tightly as possible. By doing this it will ensure that when the containers are pulled there will be very minimal breakage and full containers can still be pulled.

If anyone would have any questions please contact Aiken County Solid Waste Department at 803.642.1533.

Safety for you and our employees is a primary concern. We ask that you be safety conscious and courteous at all times. When our trucks are in the site swapping a container, it is important that they be able to get in and out quickly so that you will have space to place your waste. It is especially dangerous to cut in front of or behind the truck swapping the Household Compactor container – be patient and wait out of the way.

We ask your cooperation in delivering large loads (pickups & pickups with trailer loads) directly to the nearest Aiken County C&D Landfill during its operating hours. This will minimize traffic problems and make more container space available at the Recycling Drop-Off Centers for more citizens with smaller loads.

Government Center, 1930 University Pkwy | Aiken, SC 29801 Aiken County Government | © 2025