911 Addressing (Office)
911 Addressing (Service)
ABBE (Acronym)
ACSO (Acronym)
Adopt a highway (Service)
Adopt a pet (Service)
ADPS (Acronym)
Agricultural Services Building (Location)
Aiken (City) Municipal Building (Location)
Aiken (City) Public Safety (Location)
Aiken Library
Aiken Magistrate (Office)
Aiken Magistrate (Location)
Ambulance service (Service)
Animal Enforcement (Service)
Animal Services (Service)
Animal Shelter (Location)
Animal Shelter (Office)
Appeal Assessment (Service)
Assessment (Service)
Assessor (Department)
Auditor (Department)
Barden C & D Landfill (Location)
Bid Opportunities (Service)
Birth Certificate (Service)
Bond Court (Office)
Building Codes - Permits (Office)
Building Inspections (Service)
Building Permits (Service)
Burnettown Municipal Building (Location)
C & D Landfill (Acronym)
Capital Sales Tax
Cellular/Communications Tower Permit (Service)
Child Support (Service)
Civil matters over $7,500 (Service)
Civil matters under $7,500 (Service)
Clemson Extension Service (Office)
Clerk of Court (Department)
Clerk of Court: Civil Division (Office)
Clerk of Court: Family Court & Child Support (Office)
Clerk of Court: General Sessions (Office)
Code Enforcement (Office)
Code Enforcement (Department)
Collections (Office)
Coroner (Department)
County Administrator (Department)
County Council (Department)
County Council (Service)
County Ordinances & Resolutions
Current Tax Collections (Service)
Death Certificate (Service)
Deeds (Service)
Delinquent Tax Collector (Department)
Delinquent Tax Sale (Service)
Delinquent Taxes (Service)
DES (Acronym)
Detention Center (Department)
Detention Center (Location)
Dibble Memorial Library Building (Location)
Disabled vehicle tag/placard (Service)
DJJ (Acronym)
DMV (Service)
DMV (Acronym)
DMV: Aiken (Location)
DMV: North Augusta (Location)
DNR (Acronym)
Do Not Call Registry (National)
DOE (Acronym)
DOR (Acronym)
DPH (Acronym)
Drivers license
DSS (Acronym)
DSS: Aiken (Location)
Economic Development Office at USCA (Location)
Elections (Service)
Emergency Management (Service)
Emergency Management (Department)
Emergency Medical Services (Department)
Emergency Medical Services (Office)
Employment Security Commission (Location)
EMS (Acronym)
Engineering (Department)
Engineering (Office)
Engineering Services (Office)
Engineering Services (Service)
Estates (Office)
Estates (Service)
Fair Housing
FAQs (Page)
Finance (Department)
Finance: Accounting (Office)
Fishing license (Service)
Flood Information
Forfeited Land Commission (Service)
Forms (Page)
Freedom of Information Act Request (Form)
General Sessions Court Roster
GeoServices (Office)
GIS (Service)
GIS (Acronym)
Handicap vehicle tag/placard (Service)
Harrison Caver Park (Office)
Harrison-Caver Park (Location)
Hazardous Materials (Service)
HAZMAT (Acronym)
Health Dept. in Aiken (Office)
Historical Museum (Department)
Historical Museum (Banksia) (Location)
Home Occupation Permit (Service)
Human Resources (Office)
Hunting license (Service)
Illegal Dumping (Service)
Indigent care (Service)
Information Technology (Department)
Information Technology (main) (Office)
Jackson Library
Jackson Town Offices (Location)
Job openings
Judgments (Service)
Judicial Center (Courthouse) (Location)
Jury & Judgments (Office)
Jury Duty: Circuit Court (Service)
Jury Duty: Magistrate (Service)
Keep Aiken County Beautiful
Landfill Billing (Service)
Landfill Hauler Permits (Service)
Landfills (Service)
Law Enforcement Center (Location)
Legislative Delegation (Department)
Legislative Delegation (Service)
LEPC (Acronym)
Littering (Service)
Magistrates (Department)
Maintenance Shop (Office)
Marriage Applications/Licenses (Office)
Marriage Applications/Licenses (Service)
Master-in-Equity (Department)
Midland Valley Library
Midland Valley Magistrate (Location)
Midland Valley Magistrate (Office)
Mobile Home moving permit (Service)
Mobile Home Park Permit (Service)
Mobile Home permit (Service)
Monetta-Oak Grove Magistrate (Location)
Monetta-Oak Grove Magistrate (Office)
Mortgages (Service)
New Ellenton City Offices (Location)
New Ellenton Library
New Ellenton/Jackson Magistrate (Location)
New Ellenton/Jackson Magistrate (Office)
North Augusta Library
North Augusta Magistrate (Office)
North Augusta Municipal Building (Location)
North Augusta Public Safety (Location)
North Augusta/Belvedere Magistrate (Location)
Notary Public
Nuisances (buildings, property) (Service)
Parks & Recreation (Department)
Parks & Recreation (Office)
Planning & Development (Department)
Planning Services (Office)
Plats (Service)
Probate Court (Department)
Probate Judge (Office)
Probate Records (Service)
Probation, Pardons, & Parole Services (Location)
Procurement (Office)
Procurement (Service)
Property Nuisance (Service)
Property Tax Notices (Service)
Property Tax Payments (Service)
Protected Persons (Service)
Protected Persons & Therapeutic Determination (Office)
PRT (Acronym)
PSA (Acronym)
PTI (Acronym)
Public Defender (Department)
Public Defender (Location)
Public Service Authority (Department)
Public Service Authority (Location)
Public Works (Department)
Public Works (Office)
Public Works (Location)
Public Works Center (Shop) (Location)
Re-occupation of Commercial Buildings (Service)
Recording Documents (Service)
Recreation Center (Location)
Recreation Center (Office)
Register of Deeds (Department)
Register of Mesne Conveyance (Department)
Registration & Elections (Department)
Research Park (Department)
Residential Collection Center 10: Monetta (Location)
Residential Collection Center 1: Belvedere (Location)
Residential Collection Center 2: Langley (Location)
Residential Collection Center 3: New Ellenton (Location)
Residential Collection Center 4: Graniteville (Location)
Residential Collection Center 5: Reynolds Pond (Location)
Residential Collection Center 6: Windsor (Location)
Residential Collection Center 7: Perry (Location)
Residential Collection Center 8: Couchton (Location)
Residential Collection Center 9: New Holland (Location)
Residential Collection Centers
Rezoning (Service)
Rights of Way (Service)
Risk Management (Department)
Risk Management (Service)
Road Maintenance (Service)
Road Paving (Service)
Roads & Bridges (Office)
ROD (Office)
ROD (Acronym)
ROD Documents
Roy Warner Park (Location)
SC Dept of Environmental Services (Office)
SC Dept of Juvenile Justice (Office)
SC Dept of Natural Resources (Office)
SC Dept of Public Health (Office)
SC DES Septic Tank Permits (Office)
SC DMV in Aiken (Office)
SC DMV in North Augusta (Office)
SC DSS in Aiken (Office)
SC Employment Security Commission (Office)
SC Juvenile Justice location (Location)
SC Probation, Parole, Pardons (Office)
Service Request
Sheriff (Department)
Sheriff (Hampton Avenue) (Office)
Sign Permit (Service)
Site Plan Permit (Service)
SLED (Acronym)
Small Claims Court (Service)
Social Security Office (Location)
Solicitor (Department)
Solicitor (Judicial Center) (Office)
Solicitor Annex (Location)
Solicitor Annex (Office)
Solid Waste (Office)
Solid Waste
SRS (Acronym)
Subdivision Approval (Service)
Subdivisions (Service)
Tag for vehicle (Service)
Tax Notices (Service)
Tax Payments (Service)
Taxes - Delinquent (Service)
Therapeutic Determination (Service)
Tourism (Office)
Traffic Court (Office)
Transportation Planning (Service)
Treasurer (Department)
Vehicle tag (Service)
Vehicle Tax Notices (Service)
Vehicle Tax Payments (Service)
Veterans Services (Department)
Veterans Services (Office)
Veterans Treatment Court
Victim Services (Department)
Victim Services Resources (Service)
Voter Registration (Service)
VWAP (Acronym)
Wagener Landfill (Location)
Wagener Library
Wagener Magistrate (Location)
Wagener/Monetta Magistrate (Office)
Warner Park (Office)
Warner Savannah River Research Campus (Location)
Wills (Service)
Zoning Variance or Appeal (Service)
Government Center, 1930 University Pkwy | Aiken, SC 29801 Aiken County Government | © 2025