Keep Aiken County Beautiful

Mission Statement

To increase public action and awareness of litter prevention, waste reduction, and beautification of Aiken County.

Vision Statement

A cleaner, greener, more beautiful Aiken County!

About Us

Keep Aiken County Beautiful is a program of the Aiken County Code Enforcement Division. Keep Aiken County Beautiful is committed to ending litter, improving recycling and beautifying Aiken County. KACB utilizes various methods to achieve its goals such as:

  • Community Education
  • Public Awareness
  • Supporting and/or Organizing Community Cleanups
  • Supporting Litter Enforcement Efforts
  • Leveraging Community Partners

KACB functions as an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, Inc. (KAB), a national non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the environment by empowering individuals to take greater responsibility of the protection and enhancement of their local communities.


About Our Program

Adopt-A-Park is a volunteer-based initiative where groups and individuals agree to help monitor and maintain sections of Aiken County parks and greenspaces regularly.

Adopting a park or public green space brings many benefits to the community. These areas help improve air quality and reduce pollution. They naturally manage stormwater, helping to maintain water quality and mitigate flooding risks. On a social level green spaces offer recreational opportunities, fostering physical activity and mental well-being. They are places where communities can gather, socialize, and engage in healthy outdoor activities. Moreover, individuals who are active in these spaces tend to have lower healthcare costs. In essence, adopting a park or green space is an investment in the community's environmental, social, and economic fabric. This program also aims to educate county residents about the importance of our parks, open spaces and trails.

For more information about the Adopt-A-Park program check our flier here. If you want to participate in our Adopt-A-Park program, download our application here.

If you are interested in learning more about current opportunities to adopt a park, please contact (803)502-9000 Ext 3356 or email or


Program Intent

To encourage community participation in regular litter cleanups of designated boat landings in Aiken County individuals, organizations, or businesses may agree to keep a designated boat landing clear of litter and debris for a two-year period. In exchange, participating volunteers are provided with safety equipment and cleanup supplies. A sign recognizing the participating group/individual will be posted at the site after the cleanup is completed. At the end of the two-year period, volunteers may renew their agreement for another two years.

Form a group and sign up to do regulat cleanups together at a boat landing. The Keep Aiken COunty Beautiful offiec can provide cleanup supplies. You'll feel great taking care of one of Aiken County's scenic recreational resources!

For more information about the Adopt-A-Boat-Landing program check our flier here. If you want to participate in our Adopt-A-Boat-Landing program, download our application here.

Larry's Litter Busters Kids Club

Creating Tomorrow's Environmental Stewards

Join Larry's Litter Busters Kids Club and encourage your children to become champions for a cleaner, greener future! Designed for kids ages 4-10, this engaging club inspires young minds to recognize the impact of litter on our environment and equips them to make a positive difference in their community.

Families and organizations serving children are invited to explore Aiken County's beautiful greenspaces, learn about environmental stewardship, and take pride in keeping their neighborhoods clean. Larry's Litter Busters Kids Club offers parents a unique opportunity to instill a sense of responsibility and ownershipin their children, fostering lifelong habits of caring for the world around them.

Why Join?

  • Learn & Grow: Members discover fun ways to care for the environment and understand the importance of litter-free communities.
  • Play & Explore: Participate in games and hands-on activities while building a connection with nature.
  • Make a Difference: Help beautify our neighborhoods and prevent trash from polluting our roads and waterways.

Get started today by completing the registration form for each participating child and check out our schedule of upcoming events. Together, let's nurture the next generation of environmental leaders-one clean space at a time! For more details, please email

Annual Events and Observations

MLK Day of Service:
The 3rd Monday of January

Great American Clean-up:
The First Day of Spring through the Summer

SC River Sweep:
The entire month of Spetember

America Recycles Day:
October 1st - November 30th

Contact Us

Keep Aiken County Beautiful(KACB)

803-502-9000 ext. 3356
1930 University Pkwy | Suite 3400
Aiken, SC 29801

Monday - Friday: 9AM - 5PM


We need your help! To become a volunteer with KACB, sign up by emailing us here.


Keep America Beautiful     Palmetto Pride    

Government Center, 1930 University Pkwy | Aiken, SC 29801 Aiken County Government | © 2025