Transportation Planning

Belvedere-Clearwater Road (SC 126) Corridor Improvement Project:

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) in coordination with the Augusta Regional Transportation Study Area (ARTS), proposes to widen SC 126 (Belvedere-Clearwater Road) for a distance of 1.87 miles from S-1790 (Old Sudlow Lake Road) to US 1/78 (Jefferson Davis Highway). The proposed project includes widening the existing two-lane roadway to a four-lane roadway with a center turn lane, bicycle lanes and sidewalks.
The reason for this updated outreach is to highlight the brief close and detour to reconstruct the culvert that crosses SC 126 between S-1372 (Northside Drive) and S-1615 (Woods Lane).

Please visit the project website for more information and project updates here.

SC 28 (Sand Bar Ferry Road) Bridge Rehabilitation Project

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) proposes to rehabilitate the westbound SC 28 (Sand Bar Ferry Road) bridge over the Savannah River in Aiken County. The existing bridge was built in 1968 and is in poor condition. The proposed project would correct functional and structural deficiencies of the bridge. A bridge closure of approximately 2-3 months is anticipated. During the closure, the detour would be approximately 8.6 miles.

The purpose of the project is to correct functional and structural deficiencies of the existing SC 28 (Sand Bar Ferry Road) bridge over the Savannah River.

**Structurally Deficient is a status used to describe a bridge that has one or more structural defects that require attention. This status does not mean the bridge is unsafe for vehicle traffic.**

Please visit the project website for more information and project updates here.

2055 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update:

Federal planning regulations require that Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Metropolitan Transportation Plans (MTPs) be updated at least every five years, and that a twenty-year planning horizon be maintained. The Metropolitan Transportation Plan is a comprehensive, multimodal "blueprint" for transportation systems and services aimed at meeting the mobility needs of the metropolitan area through the next twenty years. Plans, projects, programs, and policies are proposed as transportation recommendations that reflect solutions to improve the overall quality of life for residents in the area.

ARTS MPO staff is working on development of the 2055 MTP which will be adopted in September 2025. The plan update involves several activities such as model development for performance measurement, socioeconomic data preparation, community outreach to collect input, program coordination with various agencies and organizations, and multi-modal planning (highway, transit, bike, pedestrian, freight), etc.

2055 MTP Project Website
Please visit the ARTS 2055 MTP project website at for more information.

Online Survey

Click HERE to take the survey. We need your valuable input!

ARTS Regional Freight Plan Update:

The Augusta Regional Transportation Study(ARTS) Metropolitan Planning Organization(MPO) is developing a Regional Freight Plan Update(the Plan). The Plan involves updating the 2008 Regional Freight Profile and a review and update of the current state of freight and goods-movement in the region. The Plan also provides an assessment of the state of freight infrastructure in the region and outlines strategies to provide investments, policies and capital improvements that will accommodate future freight growth and logistics needs.

The project includes several phases of public engagement - including stakeholder involvement, public meetings, a project website, and more. Residents of the ARTS MPO have multiple opportunities to provide feedback. The next opportunities to provide input into the planning effort will be at two upcoming community open-house meetings focused on policy and project recommendations generated as part of the planning effort.

Come review draft policy and project recommendations and provide your input! To learn more, visit

ARTS Regional Freight Plan - Recommendations Report (2024)

SC Highway 118 Intersection Analysis(Ongoing):

Whiskey Road Corridor Study:

Bettis Academy Road Corridor Study:

Meeting Minutes and Agendas:

Government Center, 1930 University Pkwy | Aiken, SC 29801 Aiken County Government | © 2025