Installation of a new residential driveway
entrance on Aiken County maintained roadways requires specific criteria to be met
before a work order and or installation can begin. The following is the information needed to
meet those requirements:
Aiken County driveway standard will be, installed in an area based on the 911 address. Setbacks from other driveways and roads should be 35 feet and 10 feet off any property lines. All driveways should intersect to roadway at 90 degrees, however a minimum may be 70 degrees. Driveway pipe up to 24 feet of RCP on all roads; if extra pipe is needed then that is the responsibility of the owner to install or have someone install it. Aiken County does not pave the driveway aprons. When installing a driveway, the apron must not go beyond the right-of-way, driveways on paved roads must have rock installed. All driveways should in no way add additional runoff into the existing roadway. All driveways must meet Aiken County Public Works standards as well as sight distance.
BusinessAiken County does not install driveways or any
other access for any commercial purposes. That will be the responsibly of the
Maintenance of residential and commercial
driveway entrances with the right-of-way must be performed by Roads & Bridges
division if deemed necessary by Aiken County. Any hazards
that exist within the right-of-way, including the roadway shoulder, pipes and
ditches etc.