Veterans Services

Dwight Bradham, Veterans Affairs Director

Government Center

1930 University Parkway | Suite 2300

Aiken, SC 29801

 803.642.1545 |  803.642.1592


Appointments: 8:30-4:00 Mon-Fri excluding holidays

The Aiken County Veterans' Affairs Office advocates and provides counseling assistance to our veterans and/or their surviving dependents and military members in applying for federal benefits from the Department of Veterans' Affairs Administration and state benefits for South Carolina. Types of benefits include: Service-Connected Disability and Non-Service Connected Pension; Survivor's Pension Benefits; Burial Benefits; Veterans' health Care; Educational assistance, including Veterans' Readiness and Employment/Vocational Rehabilitation; VA Certificate of Eligibility for Home Loan; VA Life Insurance and other benefits. Our dedicated personnel feel honored to assist our veterans in Aiken County who have fought, and our military members who continue to fight, to preserve the liberty and freedoms enjoyed by all American citizens.

To best serve you, please call our office at 803.642.1545. During the call, County Veterans' Affairs staff will inform you on benefits eligibility, let you know what documentation is required, and schedule and appointment (telephonically or limited face-to face). In this way, our office can give you the best service possible while ensuring your health and safety.

Government Center, 1930 University Pkwy | Aiken, SC 29801 Aiken County Government | © 2025